Agni Swaad - Delicious sattvic cuisine

We have an open restaurant so that you can absorb the benefits of nature.

It is said that when you eat, all 5 of your sensory organs need to be receptive.

Our eating experience is designed to charm your eyes through the colourful nutritious food. The birds chirping is a treat to your ears. The mild touch of the pleasant breeze will cause happiness to your skin. The aroma of our freshly prepared food wafts through the kitchen to excite your nose and the swaad(taste) of our sattvic food will ignite your Agni(digestive fire).

Your eating experience at Agni:

  • According to Ayurveda: Food is medicine. Eating the right food at the right time in the right quantity with the right state of mind is key to good health.
  • Instead of 3 big meals we serve 5 smaller meals at customised meal timing according to your personal detox program and your health conditions.
  • We must consume food according to the season. Each Ritu (season) has its own characteristics that we take into consideration while curating a diet plan to align your body with nature.
  • Adequate portion of meals is extremely important. We make sure you do not overeat or undereat or skip meals.
  • We always serve freshly cooked food at every meal service.
  • Eliminate distractions while eating. We do not promote wifi and gadgets at the restaurant. We have an open restaurant so that you can absorb the benefits of nature.
  • We promote not to eat too fast or too slow. Chewing your food well is the first step in the process of digestion which starts from the mouth as soon as the morsel mixes with the saliva and the enzymes present in it.
  • Food is responsible for your health, vitality and energy. Include all 6 rasa (tastes) madhura, amla, lavana, katu, tikta and kashaya.

What we consider while preparing your food:

  • We serve customised and personalised food to cater to your illness and line of treatment.
  • We use whole masalas instead of packed masala powder.
  • We avoid gastric irritants like potatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, chillies, brinjal etc.
  • We do not serve raw food. We promote well cooked and easily digestible foods.
  • Steamed snacks are easily digestible and absorbable and yet delicious. Healthy need not mean boring or tasteless. Steamed, tawa cooked and baked snacks are celebrated at our Sattvic kitchen.
  • Avoiding white sugar and using organic black jaggery is a wise choice towards good health.
  • We do not use table salt, we replace it with rock salt which helps to avoid manifestation of water retention.
  • Special varieties of rice instead of polished white rice is what we promote at Agni. A rare variety of red bran rice from a village in Palakkad in Kerala is chosen.
  • Customised variations of rotis are prepared for weight loss, diabetes and inflammatory conditions.

Our water tastes different too:

We serve detox water which is infused water that helps you to maintain your gut health.

Medicated water is a way of life. Even the simple step of daily consumption of boiled water with some added herbs to enhance every aspect of your health can be added to your self-care routine.

We encourage our guests to consume only herbal water and not mineral water. We request to reduce usage of mineral water as a part of our Plastic-free zone mission.

ayurvedic village
ayurvedic village
ayurvedic village
ayurvedic village
ayurvedic village
ayurvedic village
ayurvedic village
ayurvedic village
ayurvedic village
ayurvedic village
ayurvedic village
ayurvedic village