Ayurveda concentrates on preventive and curative aspects of health. All the treatment methods which are selected or enlisted in ayurveda are for the equilibrium of doshas which plays a major role in maintaining the health of the body and keeps the body immune to diseases. The doshas are vata, pitta & kapha which are related more with nervous system, digestive system and nutritive system respectively. If the doshas are not in a stable state and there is an equilibrium of doshas, then we have to manage the doshas by means of pacification methods (sodhana & samana). Among the two ,sodhana is the most important mode of treatment for doshas.
For each doshas, separate methods were selected to manage, because they all differ in their properties, nature, action etc. There comes the concept of panchakarma (five karmas).It includes:
Among all of these karmas, vasti is noted as the main karma, as it treats the vata dosha which plays a major role in all body activities.
As per the references available about vasti, it is a procedure given by means of vasti (bladder) or the procedure which includes retention of content in a specified area. Hence vasti ican be external and internal.
The medicine which is given internally to the body through rectal or urethral route is termed as internal vasti treatment in ayurveda.It can be different according to their need and action.
Types of vasti
The administration of medicines in a specified combination of internal to body through anal route. The combinations may vary according to the patient and condition of the patient. The dose also depends upon the patient and body strength.
The vasti procedure is done with a specific instrument called vasti netram (enema nozzle) and a vasti puta (the bag which contains the medicine).
The medicine for vasti (enema) should be prepared in a specific manner in which order of adding ingredients, stirring method etc are explained very clearly.
The ingredients were added in an order of honey, saindhava, ghee/thailam, kalka & kashaya, which makes the mixture an emulsion form that really helps in the administration & absorption.
As a preparatory step, medicated oil enema (anuvasana vasti) is given, because the decoction enema is ruksha & very powerful in action. Before the administration the patient is given oil massage & steam. Then patient allowed to lie on left lateral posture, with left lower extremity straightened and right lower extrmity flexed on knee and hip joint.Vasti is given through anal route. During administration of vasti, patients should take deep breaths. After administration, the patient is allowed to lie on back for a few minutes to get the urge to pass. During that time, abdominal massage should be done, legs are flexed and extended frequently. At the time when he feels the urge to pass motion, he is allowed to sit in a squatting pose for proper evacuation. Then he is allowed to have light food immediately after shower.
Indications and contraindications of vasti (ayurvedic internal enema) As the vasti procedure is a very important treatment, it can be done under supervision and can be administered only if the patient's condition is indicated in the reference. The indications and contraindications are clearly described in ayurvedic samhithas with their explanation for more understanding. Even though clinical evaluation and suggestion from the doctor may add changes to this.
As it plays a very important role in the body, there may be complications expected if done without doctor’s supervision. Ayurveda clearly mentioned the expected complications with their apt solutions.
It is one of the ayurvedic internal vasti treatments using medicated oils in a small quantity. Its also given through anal route with another specially made enema equipment. This is given after food only and the dose is just 1/4th of kashaya vasti. The terms sneha vasti, mathra vasti are also used to say anyuvasan vasti.
It’s a type of vasti which is done through urethral orifice for both male and female, with a minimum dose of herbal medicine in a special manner especially in cases related to infertility.
Agni offers the best internal vasti treatment in Mumbai, India as we follow the authentic way of ayurvedic methods. The whole team is well trained in the field of internal vasti treatment or ayurvedic hip joint therapy. The clinical evaluation of the condition, assessment of the patient if he is fit or not for undergoing vasti treatment, selection of medicine according to the condition, confirmation of dosage, procedure, post and pre-procedural care are done with adequate care and professional skill.